Registered Charity Number: 1127962 Registered Company Number: 6735306
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You are not alone, many people throughout Sunderland are having similar problems
Read some of the stories written by carers about their experiences.
People who care for someone with a drug or alcohol problem can often feel isolated, confused and frustrated. The links below share experiences of carer's and links to our research.
FRANK for information on drugs and alcohol
hiwecanelp can help you find information on services in your area
​Sunderland Carers Centre
We can provide you with one to one support to look at lots of different issues such as stress, your role as a carer, benefits, debt and housing problems.
One to One
Telephone Support
Our complimentary therapist offers a range of treatments designed to improve health and well being as well as providing you with that much needed respite
Our team of qualified counsellors can help you on a one to one basis using different models of counselling that best suit you
A Carer is...
Anyone concerned about a loved ones problem drug or alcohol misuse